Best Mattress Cleaner for a Dreamy Slumber

Hey there! Ever tried to solve the mystery of the disappearing midnight snack crumbs in your bed? Or how about tackling that oh-so-stubborn coffee spill from your Sunday morning in bed? We all have our little secrets when it comes to what our mattresses have been through. But worry not! I’ve been on a covert mission, diving into the netherworld of our beds, and I’ve surfaced with the ultimate treasure map to the best mattress cleaners that will have your sleeping haven spick and span in no time.

Let’s face it, we spend nearly a third of our lives cuddled up in our beds, and that’s a lot of time to be rolling around in yesterday’s dust and allergens. Ew, right? That’s why I’m here, your trusty guide, to walk you through a world where your mattress can be as fresh as a daisy, every single night. Intrigued? You should be!

How We Choose The Best Mattress Cleaner

Choosing the best isn’t a walk in the park, and I’m not about to let you settle for anything less than snooze-worthy cleanliness. I’ve scoured through thousands of reviews, checked out the good, the bad, and the downright ugly, and emerged with the gems. Each cleaner has been weighed and measured based on effectiveness, ease of use, and, of course, the power to banish even the nastiest of bed bugs to the shadow realm. So, let’s get to it and turn your bed into the cleanest cloud in dreamland!

Bissell Little Green Portable Carpet and Upholstery Cleaner

Ever faced the daunting task of tackling a stubborn stain on your favorite couch or car seat? Fear not, because I’ve found a game-changer in the world of cleaning: the Bissell Little Green Portable Carpet and Upholstery Cleaner. This compact powerhouse is like having a professional cleaning service right in your closet. Let’s dive into what makes the Bissell Little Green not just another cleaning gadget, but a must-have for any cleaning enthusiast.

The Power of Suction:

One of the most impressive features of the Bissell Little Green is its powerful suction. Have you ever spilled wine on your carpet and watched in horror as it turned into a stubborn stain? This little machine works wonders on such mishaps. Whether it’s pet accidents, spilled coffee, or kids’ creative messes, the Bissell Little Green lifts them right up. It’s like giving your carpet or upholstery a new lease on life.

Specialty Tools for Special Needs:
Now, let’s talk about the exclusive tools that come with the model 1400B. The HydroRinse Self-Cleaning Hose Tool is a game-changer. You know that icky residue that usually stays in the hose after cleaning? Well, this tool makes sure your machine stays clean and ready for the next use. Then there’s the Spraying Crevice Tool – perfect for those hard-to-reach spots in your car or between couch cushions.

Lightweight and Versatile:

The portable and versatile design of the Bissell Little Green is a blessing. Its lightweight nature means you can carry it anywhere in your home without breaking a sweat. Stairs, upholstery, car interiors, you name it – this little device can handle it all. This feature is particularly handy for those of us who don’t have the space for bulky cleaning equipment but still crave a spotless home.

Tank Capacity:

The 48 oz. tank capacity is another standout feature. It’s large enough to handle a significant cleaning session without the constant need for refills. This means you can focus on the cleaning task at hand, rather than running back and forth to the sink.

A Fresh Approach to Stains and Odors:

The included Spot & Stain formula with Febreze Freshness is a true lifesaver. Not only does it tackle tough stains like grease, wine, and coffee, but it also leaves behind a pleasant, fresh scent. Imagine erasing that old pet stain and, in its place, leaving a refreshing whiff of cleanliness.


In conclusion, the Bissell Little Green Portable Carpet and Upholstery Cleaner is more than just a cleaning tool; it’s a solution to the everyday challenges of keeping a home spotless. Its combination of powerful suction, specialized tools, portability, large tank capacity, and odor-removing formula makes it an invaluable asset for any home enthusiast. So, if you’re looking to upgrade your cleaning game and tackle those pesky stains once and for all, the Bissell Little Green might just be your new best friend.

Hoover Spotless Portable Carpet & Upholstery Spot Cleaner

Ever been in a situation where a relaxing evening turns into a frantic clean-up mission thanks to a spilled glass of red wine? Or how about those pet accidents that just seem to pop up out of nowhere? Well, worry no more. The Hoover Spotless Portable Carpet & Upholstery Spot Cleaner is here to save your day (and your carpets!). This compact device is a game-changer for anyone who’s ever faced the daunting task of removing stubborn stains. Let’s dive into what makes this cleaner a must-have in your cleaning arsenal.

Light as a Feather, Tough on Stains:

First things first: this cleaner is lightweight. I mean, really lightweight. You can carry it around your home, up the stairs, or to your car without feeling like you’ve had a full workout session. This feature is perfect for quick clean-ups and tackling those hard-to-reach areas. Say goodbye to lugging around a heavy machine just to deal with a small stain.

Deep Clean Made Easy:

The Hoover Spotless Cleaner isn’t just about portability; it’s about efficiency. With its deep clean capabilities, you can spray, scrub, and remove a wide range of messes. From pet accidents to daily spills, this machine handles it all with ease. The convenience of having a powerful cleaner that can deal with anything from muddy paw prints to spilled juice is invaluable.

Extended Reach for Ultimate Convenience:

Have you ever tried to clean a stain on your stairs or in the back of your car and just couldn’t quite reach it? The Hoover Spotless Cleaner comes with a 5-foot hose that allows you to reach those tricky spots without any hassle. This extended reach means no stain is too far or too awkwardly placed for you to tackle.

Self-Cleaning for a Hassle-Free Experience
One of the most standout features is the self-cleaning technology. After you’ve finished your cleaning session, this machine flushes out the hose, ensuring no leftover dirt or residue. It’s a feature that makes maintenance a breeze and extends the life of the machine.

Dual Tank Magic:

Say goodbye to the mess of dealing with a single-tank system. The Hoover Spotless Cleaner features Dual Tank Technology that keeps clean and dirty water separate. This means you can easily fill, empty, and rinse the tanks without any cross-contamination. It’s a small detail that makes a big difference in the usability and effectiveness of the cleaner.


In conclusion, the Hoover Spotless Portable Carpet & Upholstery Spot Cleaner is a powerhouse in a small package. Its combination of being lightweight, offering deep cleaning capabilities, extended reach, self-cleaning technology, and dual tank system makes it an ideal choice for any homeowner. This cleaner isn’t just about tackling stains; it’s about making your life easier and keeping your home spotless with minimal effort. So, if you’re looking to take the hassle out of stain removal, the Hoover Spotless Cleaner could be your new best friend in cleaning.

McCulloch MC1275 Heavy-Duty Steam Cleaner

Imagine a world where your cleaning routine is transformed from a chore into a satisfying, almost therapeutic activity. That’s the world the McCulloch MC1275 Heavy-Duty Steam Cleaner invites you to. This isn’t just any cleaner; it’s a versatile, steam-powered miracle worker that makes you wonder how you ever managed without it. Let’s steamroll into the details!

Chemical-Free Cleaning:

The standout feature of this cleaner is its commitment to chemical-free cleaning. Utilizing hot, pressured steam, it bids farewell to the harsh chemicals usually associated with deep cleaning. Whether it’s stubborn grease on your grill, grime on your tiles, or stains on your carpets, this machine tackles them with ease, all while being kind to the environment. It’s not just a cleaner; it’s a green warrior.

A Tank That Goes the Distance:

Ever been in the middle of a cleaning spree, only to have your momentum cut short by the need to refill your cleaner? The large 48-ounce tank says ‘no more’ to those frustrating interruptions. Heating up in under 8 minutes and providing up to 45 minutes of steam, this tank is a true marathon runner in the world of cleaning. Plus, the optional lockable steam trigger ensures continuous cleaning without the need for constant pressure. It’s like having an extra pair of hands!

Accessories Galore:

This cleaner isn’t just versatile; it’s a Swiss Army knife for cleaning. With 18 different accessories, including a floor mop, nylon brushes, and even a squeegee, there’s no job too big or too small. Each accessory is designed to make your cleaning more efficient and less tedious. Whether you’re tackling the car, the kitchen, or the living room, the Bissell has got you covered.

Superior Reach for Superior Cleaning:

A major plus of this cleaner is its superior reach. The 15.7-foot power cord and over 9-foot steam hose mean you can reach those hard-to-get spots without turning into a contortionist. Cleaning behind the couch or under the bed? No problem. This cleaner makes it a breeze, ensuring that every nook and cranny of your home is sparkling.


In conclusion, the McCulloch MC1275 Heavy-Duty Steam Cleaner isn’t just a cleaning tool; it’s a revolution in your cleaning routine. Its chemical-free approach, large capacity tank, plethora of accessories, and superior reach make it a must-have for anyone looking to make their cleaning efficient, effective, and even enjoyable. If you’re ready to step up your cleaning game and embrace the power of steam, the Bissell is waiting to be your new best friend.

Resolve Professional Strength Spot and Stain Carpet Cleaner

Have you ever found yourself staring hopelessly at a stubborn stain on your favorite carpet or couch, wondering if it’s destined to be a permanent part of your decor? Enter Resolve Professional Strength Spot and Stain Carpet Cleaner – your new superhero in the battle against tough stains. This isn’t just any stain remover; it’s a powerful, easy-to-use solution that promises to make those pesky stains a thing of the past.

Odor Neutralizer and Stain Lifter:

The first thing you’ll notice about Resolve’s carpet cleaner is its uncanny ability to neutralize odors while lifting stains. It’s like hitting two birds with one stone. Whether it’s pet odors, smoking smells, or just the scent of an old stain, this cleaner doesn’t just mask the odors; it eliminates them, leaving behind a freshness that revives your space.

Deep Penetration for Set-In Stains:

We’ve all been there – that moment when you realize the spill from last week has turned into a set-in stain. Resolve’s formula is specifically designed to penetrate these deep, stubborn stains. It works its way into the fibers, breaking down the stain and lifting it to the surface. This means that even the most stubborn stains don’t stand a chance.


One of the most impressive aspects of the Resolve Carpet Cleaner is its versatility. Whether it’s wool, nylon, upholstery, or even stain-resistant surfaces, this cleaner is up to the task. It’s a relief to know that one product can handle a variety of materials, making it a go-to for any cleaning enthusiast.

Unique Formula:

What sets Resolve apart is its unique formula. Not only does it clean tough spots and stains, but it also makes the whole process easier. You don’t need to be a cleaning expert to get professional results. Just spray, let it work its magic, and blot it away. It’s that simple!


In conclusion, the Resolve Professional Strength Spot and Stain Carpet Cleaner is a must-have for anyone who wants to keep their interiors looking spotless. Its ability to neutralize odors, penetrate deep-set stains, work on various surfaces, and its user-friendly formula make it a standout product. So, next time you’re faced with a daunting stain, remember: Resolve is just a spray away from saving the day!

Incredible Deodorizing Non-Toxic Mattress Cleaner

Ever faced the nightmare of a coffee spill on your brand-new mattress or the daunting task of removing pet stains from your favorite rug? Meet the Incredible Deodorizing Non-Toxic Mattress Cleaner, a powerhouse against stains and odors. This isn’t just another cleaning product; it’s a lifesaver for your home’s cleanliness and freshness. Let’s dive into why this cleaner is a must-have in your cleaning arsenal.

Stain Annihilation:

The first and perhaps most impressive aspect of this product is its ‘End of All Stains’ claim. True to its name, it tackles a vast array of stains – from coffee and wine to pet accidents. Imagine having a magic wand that erases those stubborn stains and odors in an instant. That’s what Incredible Stain Remover does. It’s not just cleaning; it’s restoring your beloved items to their former glory.

Ease of Use:

One of the biggest hassles of stain removal is the process involved. Incredible Stain Remover simplifies this with its easy-to-use approach. Just apply it to the stain, blot it, and voila! No need for endless scrubbing, rinsing, or vacuuming. The speed and simplicity of seeing a stain disappear right before your eyes are nothing short of magical.

Safety First:

When it comes to cleaning products, safety is a prime concern, especially in homes with kids and pets. This cleaner shines in its commitment to safety. The non-toxic, non-flammable, and non-irritating formula makes it a safe choice for the entire family. Cleaning your home shouldn’t mean compromising on health, and this product ensures that.

Incredible Value:

Lastly, let’s talk about the value. With Incredible Stain Remover, you’re not just getting a stain cleaner; you’re investing in a versatile solution for various surfaces. From upholstery to clothes, this product has got you covered. It’s like having a professional cleaning service in a bottle.


In conclusion, the Incredible Deodorizing Non-Toxic Mattress Cleaner is a game-changer in the world of cleaning products. Its ability to tackle a wide range of stains and odors, ease of use, safety for the whole family, and incredible value make it a standout choice. Whether you’re dealing with accidental spills or looking to freshen up your home, this cleaner is the hero you need. Say goodbye to stains and odors, and hello to a fresher, cleaner home.


Welcome to our FAQ section on the best mattress cleaners, where we answer your most pressing questions about keeping your sleeping haven spotless. From tackling tough stains to ensuring a fresh, odor-free environment, we’ve got insights on everything you need to know about these powerful cleaning solutions.

What is the overall best mattress cleaner?

The Bissell Little Green Portable Carpet and Upholstery Cleaner is the top pick for the best mattress cleaner. Its powerful suction tackles tough stains and odors from pets, spills, and more. The model comes with unique tools like the HydroRinse Self-Cleaning Hose and Spraying Crevice Tool, enhancing its cleaning efficiency. Lightweight and versatile, it’s ideal for various surfaces, not just mattresses. Plus, its large 48 oz. tank means fewer refills, making cleaning more efficient. With its ability to remove stains and odors using the included Spot & Stain formula, this cleaner is a versatile and effective choice for keeping your mattress fresh and clean.

What mattress cleaner is the best budget-friendly?

The Hoover Spotless Portable Carpet & Upholstery Spot Cleaner stands out as the best budget-friendly mattress cleaner. It’s lightweight and easy to maneuver, making it perfect for targeting stains anywhere. The cleaner provides a thorough deep clean, handling everything from pet messes to daily spills. Its 5-foot hose allows for extended reach, ideal for cleaning mattresses, upholstery, and stairs. With self-cleaning technology and dual tank design, it maintains cleanliness and separates clean from dirty water efficiently. This cleaner offers great value, combining convenience, effectiveness, and affordability in one package.

What mattress cleaner is the most versatile?

The McCulloch MC1275 Heavy-Duty Steam Cleaner is the epitome of versatility in mattress cleaning. It offers chemical-free cleaning with hot, pressured steam, making it safe and effective for a wide range of surfaces, not just mattresses. The large 48-ounce tank heats quickly and provides up to 45 minutes of steam, eliminating the need for constant refills. With 18 diverse accessories, including brushes and mops, it’s equipped for various cleaning tasks around the home. Additionally, its superior reach, thanks to a 15.7-foot power cord and over 9-foot steam hose, ensures no spot is out of reach. This cleaner is a comprehensive solution for those who value versatility in their cleaning tools.

How do you deep clean a mattress?

Oh, deep cleaning a mattress? Let me tell you, it’s like giving your bed a spa day, and it’s not as daunting as it sounds! First, strip your bed and toss those sheets in the wash – they deserve some love too. Then, grab your vacuum and give your mattress a good once-over to suck up any dust bunnies having a party in there.

Next comes the fun part – spot cleaning. Got a stain? Mix a little dish soap with water, dab it on the stain, and then gently blot it away. Think of it as gently coaxing the stain out rather than going into battle with it.

After tackling the stains, sprinkle some baking soda over the whole mattress. It’s like a detox mask for your bed! Leave it on for a few hours (perfect time to catch up on your favorite show or read a book). The baking soda works like magic, drawing out moisture and odors.

Finally, vacuum up the baking soda, flip the mattress if it’s double-sided, and repeat. And there you have it – a mattress that’s as fresh as a daisy! Trust me, your bed will thank you for it, and you’ll sleep better knowing you’re lying on a clean, fresh mattress.

Can you use a carpet cleaner on a mattress?

Oh, using a carpet cleaner on a mattress? Now, that’s a question that might make you raise an eyebrow! The quick answer? Yes, you absolutely can, but with a bit of know-how and caution. Think of it like using a power tool – super effective, but you need to know what you’re doing.

So, here’s the scoop. Carpet cleaners are great because they can really get in there and clean out the gunk and grime that’s been building up over time. It’s kind of like using a super-powered toothbrush on a surface that usually just gets a quick wipe.

But, and this is a big but, you’ve got to be careful not to soak your mattress. These cleaners can pump out a lot of water, and mattresses don’t love being waterlogged. So, use it sparingly, like adding just a pinch of salt to your favorite dish – too much and it’s overkill, but just right and it’s perfection.

Once you’re done, let your mattress dry completely. It’s like sunbathing after a swim; you don’t want to wrap yourself in a towel while still dripping wet. A good, thoroughly dry, and your mattress will feel like it just had a day at the spa – fresh, clean, and ready to give you a great night’s sleep.

Can you clean a heavily soiled mattress?

Absolutely, you can clean a heavily soiled mattress, and let me tell you, it’s like giving a new life to an old friend! First off, don’t panic. A dirty mattress might seem like a mountain of a problem, but with a few steps, it’s more like a molehill.

Start by stripping the bed and washing all the bedding. Think of it as clearing the stage before the main act. Then, grab your vacuum and go to town on the mattress. You want to get all the loose dirt and dust off, just like brushing away cobwebs before you start the real cleaning.

Next up, spot cleaning. Mix a little laundry detergent with water and gently dab at those stains. It’s a bit like being a detective, tackling each ‘crime scene’ on the mattress with your trusty cleaning solution.

For a heavily soiled mattress, you might want to bring in the big guns – a mattress cleaner or enzyme cleaner. These are like magic potions that tackle the tougher spots. Just remember, less is more. You don’t want to soak the mattress, just give it a good, targeted clean.

Finally, let it air dry completely. It’s like giving your mattress a day in the sun, a chance to freshen up and get ready for a good night’s sleep. And there you have it, a clean mattress ready to whisk you off to dreamland!

How often should mattress be cleaned?

Generally, giving your mattress a good clean every six months is a solid rule of thumb. It’s like marking your calendar for spring cleaning and then again when the leaves start to fall.

Now, if you’re a stickler for cleanliness or if allergies are your nemesis, you might want to up the ante and clean your mattress every three to four months. It’s like giving your car a more frequent oil change because you’re racking up those miles.

And hey, if there are accidental spills or stains (because life happens, right?), spot-clean those pronto. It’s like wiping up a spill on your favorite shirt – the sooner, the better.

In a nutshell, regular mattress cleaning is like giving your bed a health check. It keeps it fresh, comfy, and ready for all those dreamy nights.

Best Mattress Cleaner for a Dreamy Slumber

In conclusion, whether it’s the Bissell Little Green Portable Carpet and Upholstery Cleaner, Hoover Spotless Portable Carpet & Upholstery Spot Cleaner, Bissell Multi-Purpose Portable Carpet and Upholstery Cleaner, Resolve Professional Strength Spot and Stain Carpet Cleaner, or the Incredible Deodorizing Non-Toxic Mattress Cleaner, each product stands out with its unique features. From powerful suction, chemical-free cleaning, superior reach, and safety for the whole family, to their ease of use and incredible value, these cleaners offer a comprehensive solution to a wide range of cleaning challenges. They not only promise to lift stubborn stains and neutralize odors but also provide versatility and safety, making them ideal for any home enthusiast looking to maintain a clean and fresh environment. Each product, with its specialized attributes, caters to different aspects of home cleaning, ensuring that no matter the mess or stain, there’s a perfect cleaner for the job.

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